Floyd's Shepherds

About 12 years ago, this huge dog wondered into our yard. He scared us at first, but it didn't take long for his loving personality to come shining through. I had never even considered owning a GSD at the time. This was obviously a good quality animal and in good health, surely the owners would soon claim him. We let it be known around the neighborhood that the dog had shown up in our yard and waited. Meanwhile, we had to call him something. We agreed "Thunder" fit him. He had a loud ferocious bark, but he wouldn't hurt anything.

He would escort us to the Church building everytime we went and sit and wait on us to come out. Even people that where usually afraid of dogs soon had a friend in him. Our biggest concern was the highway that ran in front of the Church building. We were in the process of buying property farther out in the country and away from the busy highway. We would move him out there until the owners claimed him. As good a dog as he was, someone was bound to come looking for him!!

Before we could get him moved out to the property, he got into the road and was run over. We brought him into the house and he only lived a few minutes after the accident. He was never officially ours, but he belonged in our hearts. We shed a lot of tears over this gentle giant of a dog. No one ever spoke up to claim "Thunder". We buried him as "our" dog. We decided that one day we would again have a German Shepherd Dog. They are indeed wonderful dogs.


 The darker dog on the right is my German Shepherd male, Johnston. The dog toward the front is one of my females, Allison. The are registered with the AKC.



Santa Faye  




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